Hot Cocoa Classic (Pt. 3-Debate)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign IL, United StatesParli TBA, IPDA TBA, NFA-LD TBA.
Council of Forensic Organizations
Providing Information about Intercollegiate Speech and Debate
IE 2/1. Held in conjunction with asynchronous tournament 1/31-2/3.
IE 2/1. Hosted by Alumni (Swing with Pt. 1)
IE 2/1. LD continues. Swing with Pt. 1. This is a two-day IE swing and two-day Lincoln-Douglas tournament in Champaign, Illinois. Please see the invitation for full info, and email with any questions!
IE 2/1. Swing with UI-Champaign, hosted by UI-Springfield (held at UI-Champaign)
IE 2/1. Swing with Pt. 2
IE 2/1. Swing with UI-Springfield.
IE 2/1. Swing with UI-Champaign, hosted by UI-Springfield (held at UI-Champaign)
IE 2/1. Swing with UI-Springfield.
IE 2/1. Swing with UI-Champaign, hosted by UI-Springfield (held at UI-Champaign)
IE 2/1. Swing with UI-Springfield.
IE 2/1. Swing with UI-Champaign (held at UI-Champaign)
IE 2/1. Swing with UI-Springfield.