This will have various guides on how to be a more effective director of forensics. This page is in development, but here are a few starting points.
Guides for Promotion/Tenure/Renewal:
- Duties of the Director of Forensics (from the National Forensic Journal, Fall 2005)
- Debate Guidelines (approved by AFA Policy Group and NDT; published in Speaker and Gavel – Rowland and Atchison)
- Individual Events Guidelines (to be reviewed by AFA; published in Speaker and Gavel – Dreher)
Guides for Assessment:
Guides for Running a Team:
- Building a Team (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
- Finding Coaching Help (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
- Building Relationships with Administration (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
- Forensics Coaches and the Law (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
- Publicity/Recruitment (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
- Practice Scheduling (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
- Budgeting (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
- Building Team Cohesion (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
- Preventing Coach Burnout (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
- Building Endowments (from the National Forensic Journal, Spring 2005)
Proceedings from Developmental Conferences for Individual Events:
Hosting and Directing a Tournament:
Tabulating a Tournament:
- How to tabulate debate (from Jon Bruschke, Cal State-Fullerton). – even experienced tab room directors will learn a thing or two from this document. Word document (63 pages).
- Tabulation programs:
- PlusTab (debate tab that uses Microsoft Excel for calculation)
- TRIEPC (for tabbing individual events – Dr. Rich Edwards at Baylor)
- TRPC (for tabbing debate – Dr. Rich Edwards at Baylor)
- Online and Online/Offline Tabulation and Tournament Entry
- Joy of Tournaments: Online registration; offline tabulation/scheduling. Can be networked.
- Forensics Online registration; import into various tab programs. Online tab program in development.
- Online registration, online tabulation/scheduling.
- Online registration, online tabulation/scheduling.
Tournament Guides for Specific Organizations:
Video Availability (online and DVD):
- IPDA sample debate
- NFA: Contact Karen Morris (Links to rounds are available for member schools)
- AFA: Contact Larry Schnoor (note – interp events can’t be sent due to fair use guidelines)