This is a list of colleges and universities known to have intercollegiate speech and debate programs. You can search for a particular type of program, or even what colleges in a state have programs. Just use the “add filters” selection. To search for schools that have a certain kind of event (say, all college speech teams), put a checkmark in the box.
An example search: Add filters Where IE is (checkmark) — that will generate all colleges that have individual events (speech programs).
Add filters Where IE is (checkmark) and State is MN will generate the list of colleges in Minnesota that have individual events (speech) programs.
To make the table bigger, just click on “View larger version.”
Some abbreviations:
- IE = Individual Events (Speech)
- NFA-LD = National Forensic Association Lincoln-Douglas Debate – 1-person policy debate with a yearly resolution.
- Parli = Generally faculty-driven (although some programs are student-driven) parli debate with less emphasis on speed and policy theory.
- NPDA = Generally faculty-driven (although some programs are student-driven) parli debate with a greater emphasis on speed and policy theory.
- APDA = Generally student-driven parli debate with less emphasis on speed and policy, and a greater emphasis on delivery.
- IPDA = International Public Debate Association – Extemporaneous debate in both 1-person and 2-person (team) formats.
- Policy = 2 on 2 debate on the same resolution. Schools are members of either CEDA, NDT, or similar organizations.
- BP = British Parli – More of a world’s style parli; 4 2-person teams compete.
- NEDA = National Educational Debate Association. More delivery-oriented debate; speed actively discouraged.
- PF = Public Forum – There are a few tournaments that have begun offering this type of debate which is active in high schools.
- RT = Readers’ Theater – A group interpretation performance. Typically done at junior colleges; there are some four-year schools that also do RT.