Redbird LD Debate Swing Pt. 2
Illinois State University Fell Hall, South University Street, Normal, IL, United StatesLD 4/need (Open/Nov).
Council of Forensic Organizations
Providing Information about Intercollegiate Speech and Debate
LD 4/need (Open/Nov).
IE 4/need (Open/Nov). Swing with Pt. 1.
I.E. swing hosted by Illinois State and Bradley - part one is at ISU. All AFA IEs offered; novice events will be offered if numbers allow.
NFA IE and LD events; Novice divisions will take place if entries permit.
LD 4/need (Open/Nov). Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the Illinois State Forensics Union, I cordially invite you to participate in the 3rd Annual Lincoln-Douglas Redbird Debate Swing, to be held on the Illinois State University Campus December 3-4, 2016. The weekend will be comprised of two debate tournaments with 4 preliminary rounds each in […]
IE 4/need (Open/Nov). Swing with Pt. 1. Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the Illinois State Forensics Union, I cordially invite you to participate in the 3rd Annual Lincoln-Douglas Redbird Debate Swing, to be held on the Illinois State University Campus December 3-4, 2016. The weekend will be comprised of two debate tournaments with 4 […]
I.E. swing hosted by Illinois State and Bradley - part one is at ISU. All AFA IEs offered; novice events will be offered if numbers allow.
Invite Forthcoming We will be providing a 6 or 8 round prelim Lincoln-Douglas debate tournament (dependent on entries) and corresponding outrounds.
NFA-LD 4/need. Swing with Pt. 1
LD 4/need, IE 2/1. Swing with Pt. 2.
IE 2/1. Swing with Bradley.
IE 2/1. Swing with MAFL #8. League membership fee includes covered entries at all league tournaments.
ISU and WKU will be co-hosting a spring debate tournament in the spring. It will be an Lincoln-Douglas ONLY debate tournament. More information and the invite are forthcoming.
NFA-LD 4/need (Open/Nov). Swing with Pt. 1.
NFA-LD 4/need (Open/Nov). Swing with Pt. 2.