Council of Forensic Organizations
Providing Information about Intercollegiate Speech and Debate
Sponsored by Sooner Speech Alumni. We are supporting this tournament both through online judging and financial gifts. Even though the speech team is not active at our alma mater of OU, we want to give back to the activity and provide accessible opportunities for current students to participate in forensics.
This is an asynchronous plus tournament. An asynchronous-plus speech tournament will have competitors upload their oral interp and public address events unlisted to YouTube. However, for limited prep events, students will connect to Zoom, receive their topics and prep, and then give one speech to be recorded by a tournament proctor on Zoom. The speech will then be judged asynchronously in rounds at a later time. Competitors who advance to finals in limited prep will repeat the same process on Saturday for their final round. We believe running impromptu and extemporaneous speaking in this fashion will better preserve the integrity of these events.