Council of Forensic Organizations
Providing Information about Intercollegiate Speech and Debate
Cleveland State Community College proudly invites you to attend the 2nd annual Cleveland State Forensics Classic Speech and Debate Tournament on October 18th & 19th, 2019. The tournament will feature competition in 10 AFA individual events plus radio broadcasting and NPDA. The debate will offer novice and open divisions with four preliminary rounds and an appropriate number of elimination rounds.
The entry deadline is Friday, October 11th, 2019 by 5:00 p.m. Email is preferable at Fees may be paid upon arrival at the registration table, via cash or check (payable to CSCC/CSCC Debate Team). Awards will include:
Sweeps Awards:
Awards for the top three large and small four-year schools in I.E.
Awards for the top three large and small four-year schools in NPDA debate
Awards for the top community college in NPDA debate and I.E.
Grand Champion sweepstakes award
Individual I.E. Awards
Pentathlon awards for the top six competitors entered in at least five I.E. events
Awards for the top six competitors in I.E. events
Awards for the top novice in each I.E. event
NDPA Debate Awards:
Awards for the top six speakers in open and novice
Awards for debate elims through semis
Ms. Laurie Rowland Assistant Professor of Communication, Humanities Department Cleveland State Community College 3535 Adkisson Drive | Cleveland, TN 37320 Cleveland campus Office 423-473-2333 |