This will be an online, synchronous tournament on Yaatly.com. Please familiarize yourself with the online Yaatly platform as we move our tournament experience into a virtual format! Detailed online tournament updates will be provided as we approach September 2020.
This competition will feature IPDA Debate (International Public Debate), NPDA (National Parliamentary Debate), and NFA-LD (Lincoln-Douglas Debate) in a single day. Competitors will compete in FOUR preliminary rounds of individual competition followed by one or two elimination rounds both on Sunday, September 27th.
All entries must be received by Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020, at 5:00 pm (EST). You must register at the Speechwire.com website which provides all of our tournament information. Emailed entries will not be accepted. Changes will be accepted without charge until Thursday, September 24th, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. at which late fees will be set. Late fees will be charged for any changes after the 24th at noon (in addition to any fees associated with the entry).
My hope is that this will be an excellent opportunity for new debaters to have their first tournament experience and for returning varsity competitors within our district to get into their groove for the 2020-2021 competition season. Pre-tournament updates will be distributed here via the Speechwire website. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at qcspeechteam@gmail.com any time.